Welcome to the S3 Drop-In Queue

Open weekdays (M–F) from 10:00am–12:00pm & 2:00pm–4:00pm

What are drop-ins?

Undergraduate students can connect with an S3 drop-in team member via video call to briefly discuss time sensitive or easily resolved questions or concerns (e.g., academic extensions). Drop-in meetings are limited to 15 minutes.

How do I access the queue?

Click on the blue chat widget in the bottom right corner of the screen to get started. The queue will only show up during drop-in hours.

Drop-in tips:

  • Keep your volume on. You’ll get a notification when someone is ready to see you.
  • When you join the Zoom video call, you’ll be prompted to allow access to your microphone and camera.
  • If you don’t see the chat widget during drop-in hours, make sure you don’t have any script or content blockers running.
  • Queue not working? Send us an email and we’ll get you connected with the drop-in team.
  • If you would like to schedule a longer conversation, please fill out our appointment form.

Get help after-hours